6 tips for fresh breath to kiss lover

Not only while kissing with lover that in the process of communicating with everyone, you also need to make your breath becomes more fragrant and alluring. In addition to brushing and  regular clean, you also need to know how to use some sort of drinking water and mouthwash to clean your mouth and make better breath.

How to clean sweet kiss
How to clean sweet kiss
Here are a few suggestions for your reference:

1.  Use gum

You can use the gum to make your breath becomes more fragrant when you talk to other people or on the side of your lover.

However, gum help you reduce unpleasant odors in a short period of time. But using gum simple, convenient - you can use them anywhere.

2. Use green tea

In green tea contains catechins and flavonnoids help very effective against bad breath that you should apply. Also fluorine antioxidants in green tea also makes to whiten teeth, mouth fragrant, make teeth, kill bacteria, prevent tooth decay for you.

3. Yoghurt

In addition to beautiful skin effect, yogurt also helps reduce the quality of hydrogen sulfide (substances that cause bad breath) in the mouth. Every day should eat two or three boxes of yogurt will help you both own a smooth white skin, while simultaneously making more fresh breath, prevent bacteria that cause bad breath attack.

4. Physiological salt water

Everyone knows that salt water has high bactericidal effect, helps prevent the formation of bacteria develop bad breath, it helps you repel periodontal disease, gingivitis, gum disease ... Please rinse your mouth with 0.9% physiological saline (salt water mix or dilute themselves as slightly salty tears) mouthwash every day about 2 times / day to get the best mouth guard.

5. Cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon powder mixed in warm water with a few drops of honey, gargle about 2 times per day will help you get a fresh breath throughout the day.

6. Leaves of mint

You have to be aware that the drug toothpaste or mouthwash has ingredients are fresh mint? As a bactericidal effect, helps fresh breath should last a long time been used widely. You can get mint puree onto the water, salt and gargle with water, just to help kill bacteria, prevent oral disease, to help you get fresh breath throughout the day. Rinse about 2 times a day for best effect. Read more: How to breathe kissing.

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