Showing posts with label Learn how to kiss lover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learn how to kiss lover. Show all posts

When you kiss, should you open your eyes or close your eyes?

When kissing lover or wife (husband), you should follow blindly or open your eyes for the first time. There should open your eyes when kissing? Why are these guys open eyes when kissing lover?
When in love, so open your eyes and close your eyes
When in love, so open your eyes and close your eyes
Under natural reflex when kissing, both men and women who are blindly. It is a common characteristic of people.

6 tips for fresh breath to kiss lover

Not only while kissing with lover that in the process of communicating with everyone, you also need to make your breath becomes more fragrant and alluring. In addition to brushing and  regular clean, you also need to know how to use some sort of drinking water and mouthwash to clean your mouth and make better breath.

How to clean sweet kiss
How to clean sweet kiss
Here are a few suggestions for your reference:

What does French kiss mean - French kiss definition and life


French kiss style in Asia
French kiss style in Asia
When couples engage in a French kiss, they massage their tongues together, and according to Phil this type of smooch is about exploration and wanting to get the know the other person even more.

And while this kiss is meant to be a sensual and passionate experience for both partners, things can easily go array if one person awkwardly darts their tongue - or worse, shoves it down the other person's throat.

'Beneath the surface, a kiss serves as the ultimate litmus test for a relationship,' Sheril wrote in her essay for CNN. 'It can urge us to pursue a deeper connection with someone special or act as a warning to back off when something just doesn't feel right.'

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Meaning of kiss

What do Americans think about the kiss?

Americans are famous for kissing art. However, do you know what does Americans think about kissing?

What do Americans think about the kiss?
What do Americans think about the kiss?

According to a document published by the American Sociological, there were 78% of American men think they connoisseur of kissing.

However, in this paper, they re-publish the fact that among them, there are 39% of American men had been rebuffed when they want to kiss on lover's lips.

Kiss meaning - kiss meant for loving you. Do you know what the meaning of each type of kiss is?

Do you know what the meaning of each type of kiss is?
Do you know what the meaning of each type of kiss is?

There are many different types of kissing and maybe you have experienced. However, each type of kiss have different meanings:

American kiss style - American kiss definition

What is American kiss style and how to do it, perhaps many people still unclear about this. So far, we have only heard mention of French Kiss and Eskimo kiss, and the definitions and signs to distinguish American-style kiss, many people have not still understand.

American Kiss Style
This is American kiss style

Perhaps the name "America kiss" ​​rooted in American cinema that is initiated by Hollywood movies.

 American kiss definition
 American kiss definition

Pictures of the kiss was created in an unexpected way and embrace, fiery - both men and women have the same warm, even comes with a few other sexy poses as the man suddenly picked up her butt, leg clamps - or kiss pressed to the wall at the location, position that one can not expect them to ...

How to be prepared to kiss a girl or guy?

The questions that many boys and girls are interested in is what to do to prepare for a meeting with a guy or a girl? How to be prepared to kiss a girl or a guy?

How to be prepared to kiss
How to be prepared to kiss a girl or a guy
This is the most essential guidelines for you:

How to take initiative to kiss for a girl

Does the girl should take the initiative to kiss boyfriend? The girls should have to kiss boyfriend proactive when 2 people both familiar and new new first kiss or during both madly in love. This is also a question of many girls.

How to take initiative to kiss
How to take initiative to kiss - by wikihow
In many countries, when in love, the only guy who's kissed all the girls (the love). And the girls always kiss passively received.

The type of hugs and kisses and their meaning

According to you, what style of hugs do girls like to the most? What is the meaning of each type of hug?

To express your love for girls, there are many different ways to hug and kiss. The kinds of hugs that people often use as follows:

Type of hugs and meaning
What do you know about the type of hugs and meaning?
1. Embracing direct face to face manner: both look at each other, your chin is resting on her shoulder, you slip your arms into her hair to caress or clenching tapered back and soft warm plate of your girlfriend.

This type of hug that both feel each other's bodies and feeling of belonging.

It also means "I love you".

2. A different type of hug you and she is sitting parallel to each other and put each other's shoulders. She could lean her head on your shoulder, anh you through your arms to hug her back or set up your lover's shoulders and hugged.

This type of hug that girl always rely sense and shared by you. Both can sit and watch the lake in the morning or at night counting the stars.

3. Nevertheless, many people believe that posture hug from behind usually do most girls prefer. This style will make her feel like being lovers embrace in your arms. That was the position that she felt hug is in phase passionate love and happiness. She was devoted love for you. If combined with a gentle kiss, girls will surge of happiness.

4. As another position but not always you can also apply. That's when you lifted her up. Her body fits in your hand. The power of women is like to be spoiled and sheltered, supported.

What do you know about meaning of each type of kiss? Read more: How to give an eskimo kiss and
Where does a girl like to be kissed?

Where does a girl like to be kissed?

(How to kiss) - Kiss is the masterpiece of love for lovers or spouses. To help girls feel more happy and passionate kissing and love each other, you should know what to kiss anywhere on the body of women.

Where should kiss
Many women like to be kissed on their ear
Here are some small tips for guys:

- Most girls want to be kissed on their soft lips. That is course. Kiss on the lips is most appropriate sense.

- But if you repeated kisses lips will feel bored causes for your lover and yourself.

So, you should explore more other sensitive points as below:

1. Guidelines for new love

- You can kiss the neck and the girl's ear.

- Most stimulating point is the bottom of her chin.

- There is a place near ear for earrings. This is very sensitive and can make her cringe, nerves irritated altitude. However, you need to gently kiss.

- If two people are madly in love, just a light kiss on her hair while you hug from behind in the park as well as she ecstatic.

2. Instructions for couples or people fall in love a long time

- One of the very special position as "pears" - especially the "nipple" (but not all women are preferred). If you're new to love her, do not touch me down there in a hurry because the girl would be afraid and worried, even lost inspiration..

- One other locations also make a woman to love, it's her armpit, but probably few people try to do.

- A different location but probably less often do people try to love the woman of her armpits.

- Finally, in the most confined spaces. But not every woman is like you to kiss on this site.

3. A few other sensitive locations

- Hams girl

- Navel or her stomach.

- The inside of the arm

Where are the girls like men kissed? According to you, was not mentioned anywhere, and you add me. When men make women more heartily when in love, it will be a tight rope to tie two people and help avoid disruption, separation. Kissing is very simple but you should also learn different ways of kissing. This is the meaning of the kiss that you should consult. 

What and how are Eskimo kiss?

Eskimo kiss is a kiss that both men and women use their nose to rub together. Maybe you've been kissed Eskimo style. Eskimo is one of the new kiss you add to the experience.

How to kiss Eskimo style?

When the person at the time to express love or affection between husband and wife, you can totally use this type Eskimo kiss.

Kiss Eskimo style
Kiss Eskimo style. Photos have been collected from various sources on the internet

Many people believe that should be used when two people kiss each other and get used to not say the word love, not a real kiss.

But in fact, only can use type Eskimo kiss when both people love each other passionately and instead kept it deep kiss fast can cuddle with that kind of Eskimo.

It is also a way of expressing feelings subtly when you go on the street, or in the middle of the crowd and could not touch lips kissing lips style.

Eskimo kissing style is one way for you to tell your beloved that: "I really love him and are very happy" or vice versa: "I am very pleased about you".

Origin and significance of Eskimo kiss

The origin of this kiss is from the Eskimos. Therefore, we have used the name given to the Eskimo kiss.

Due to living in the Arctic, where the climate is cold and harsh, Eskimos should have the habit of greeting each other by nose rub together to express feelings instead of handshakes. Perhaps because their hands are always cold, and lips are frozen in ice.

After that, many people have used this to demonstrate how to kiss in the love of the couple when they were together.

Recently however, a resident in the Strait of Alaska has a clip that does not have the nose-rubbing to express affection in communication in the Eskimo but that is just a "myth" by Hollywood filmmakers created. The owner of the clip is an old man who said he had lived with the Eskimos about 67 years but have never seen them in action rubbing noses together. Their kiss is similar to all of us.

Kiss Eskimo style 2
This is Eskimo kiss - Do you like?


There are many ways to explain the origin and meaning of the type Eskimo kiss. This is the affectionate gesture had emerged from your unconscious: it is when you are a parent lovingly lifted nose to nose into your palm and then turn your back and rub your nose in the face and nose petite lovely children.

Should we do before eskimo kissing style?

- Do not overdo Eskimo kiss. Use it at the right time and in combination with other types of lip kiss.

- To add excitement and fascination, make the skin become clean nose and smooth.

If you still do not understand about the Eskimo kiss, see more some pictures illustrated.

Read more: The famous kiss style on film

Picture instructions on how to kiss Eskimo style

Here are the photos to help illustrate the easy way to visualize the Eskimo kiss style. Eskimo Kiss actually quite easy to apply, sometimes it's just a moment but it is important you should do more often with your lover, so that he (or she) felt your love and feelings happy to be with you.

Eskimo Kiss

Eskimo Kiss Image

Eskimo Kiss Image 2

Eskimo Kiss style

Eskimo Kiss style

Eskimo Kiss style

Eskimo Kiss 5

Eskimo Kiss

Eskimo Kiss

Eskimo Kiss 2

If you want to kiss eskimo style, you can stand or lie and any position that you want. Can be combined with kisses, you should speak whispers of love.

When a girl wants to kiss you?

You're just starting out and want to speak to love a girlfriend. Two people have said to go for coffee together. She agreed to go out with you in the evening ...

That shows good signs towards love. But you do not know how to say love her and so she agreed to let you kiss her first.

When a girl wants to kiss you
When a girl wants to kiss you?

Do not want to be hasty kiss even if you are a novice and are conquering her, flirting with her. Must wait for the signs.

She did not want her first kiss to you in a hurry because she is still your exploration and if you do it too quickly can damage the will.

And here is the experience to know when your girlfriend wants to kiss ready for you.

You should remember that these girls are just really want you to kiss her and she will kiss you back

when she feels your trust. In other words, you deserve to get her first kiss. That was when she really loves you.

No girl wants to kiss a guy she does not love. When love "ripe" - in fact, the girls also wanted to be kissed.

But you need to have a few conditions:

- You need to have a process and time. An easy girl is just 1-2 months to know and care for. But if you meet a girl taking careful and rigorous, you may need up to 3-4 months or longer.

- She loves you and with love is to have confidence in you. When she's not trust you, she is not ready.

- You have proved faithful and enthusiastic attention.

The reason girls are often shy to kiss boyfriend

- This is her first love and the "risk" of physical contact with another person.

- She never knows the kiss like?

- She was restless

- Because you are a special person she is exploring and love.

- Because of the psychological impact.

- Afraid that others see

- Think tutelage of parents and deterrence.

- The last thing, instincts and reflexes of such women is: always discreet and careful when doing delicate work.

In addition, there are girls who do not feel confident because of how shy to kiss or poor health.

The question is when does a woman really want to kiss you first?

However, when you make her forget all the actions and words, special attention and your sincerity will make her be "hypnotized" or in other words the love "ferment" then all of the fear that she would be let go. And she would gasp receive your kiss.

The first kiss will come in a moment you can not expect major.

Maybe you are interested: Tips for breath when kissing lovers

Furtive and surprises kisses - should you to do?

What is called sneaky kiss - maybe you understand. The question is whether to do so?

This article is dedicated to those guys for reference. However, girls can also read to looking for some experience necessary.

Furtive kiss image

When you like a certain girl, or you 're in love with a beautiful girl, you 'll be very hungry kiss on her lips - lips touching lips.

But the first kiss is very special for not only girls but also boys like that.

Due to the influence of psychology, the girls are very shy, nervous with first kissing in times and not easy to kiss you.

So, when you are together - two people love each new word - often by the very guy craving lips lovers so you have to find every opportunity to kiss your lover theft.

According to you, then you should do so?

Furtive kiss images


There are 2 types of lip kiss theft. The first type is the person you kiss loves a sneaky way to force or coercion. And the second type is unexpected kiss - that people love to be shocked and surprised ( this is only done kissing style when the two people love each other and exchanged a passionate kiss much earlier - has undergone first kiss ).

And the answer that if this is the first time you kiss a girl should not kiss as theft. Because when she is not actively and love, she does not feel the sweetness of your kiss and you do not get to experience all of the kisses taste.

Many girls also angry when not really want to kiss you but you have unexpected kiss your girlfriend.

You should remember, girls also want to give a first kiss in the context of the most memorable, most dramatic, the most beautiful.

Maybe you 'll know what to do she really loves you.

Wait chance when she is ready and longing for your kiss. Do not kiss your lover steals when she has desired.

Read more: When the girl is ready to kiss you - to learn how best kiss.