Furtive and surprises kisses - should you to do?

What is called sneaky kiss - maybe you understand. The question is whether to do so?

This article is dedicated to those guys for reference. However, girls can also read to looking for some experience necessary.

Furtive kiss image

When you like a certain girl, or you 're in love with a beautiful girl, you 'll be very hungry kiss on her lips - lips touching lips.

But the first kiss is very special for not only girls but also boys like that.

Due to the influence of psychology, the girls are very shy, nervous with first kissing in times and not easy to kiss you.

So, when you are together - two people love each new word - often by the very guy craving lips lovers so you have to find every opportunity to kiss your lover theft.

According to you, then you should do so?

Furtive kiss images


There are 2 types of lip kiss theft. The first type is the person you kiss loves a sneaky way to force or coercion. And the second type is unexpected kiss - that people love to be shocked and surprised ( this is only done kissing style when the two people love each other and exchanged a passionate kiss much earlier - has undergone first kiss ).

And the answer that if this is the first time you kiss a girl should not kiss as theft. Because when she is not actively and love, she does not feel the sweetness of your kiss and you do not get to experience all of the kisses taste.

Many girls also angry when not really want to kiss you but you have unexpected kiss your girlfriend.

You should remember, girls also want to give a first kiss in the context of the most memorable, most dramatic, the most beautiful.

Maybe you 'll know what to do she really loves you.

Wait chance when she is ready and longing for your kiss. Do not kiss your lover steals when she has desired.

Read more: When the girl is ready to kiss you - to learn how best kiss.